How to save time, money and your sanity when building new or remodeling

Take control of your construction project and save time, money, and stress! By understanding the process, collaborating with the team, and staying on top of your budget, you can turn your vision into the home of your dreams. Click here for an in-depth guide to to a ​smooth-​running ​construction ​project​ with tips from Houzz.

“Homeowners often underestimate the cost and complexity of a remodel or new home. The cost of the design work on a project is something that homeowners may consider skimping on to save money, but we find that the best way to avoid problems in construction is to invest time with your designer or architect upfront to think about the construction process during design. This takes far less time than fixing mistakes that happen when the walls are going up.

Although it isn’t often pointed out, a good designer or architect depends on the client throughout the design and planning process as much as the client depends on the designer.”